This is a fun one...
Really though Planetside is a lot of fun and I also play Dark Age of Camelot. PM me if you play either.
do you have any favorite games?.
my current favorite is adventure elf and also a few others from
This is a fun one...
Really though Planetside is a lot of fun and I also play Dark Age of Camelot. PM me if you play either.
in the book "your youth: getting the best out of it", it suggests that people not date until they reach maturity, which is usually in a person's early twenties.
was this enforced at your kingdom hall, or were there jws openly dating younger than 20 (not in secret)?
I am nearly 30 and I don't think I have reached the age of maturity.
i got myself ordained as a reverend off the internet at universal life church.
i figured it would be handy to get clergy parking and so on.
but now i started thinking, hell git, you can start your own damn religion and make money like the watchtower does.
I was going to become of minister in the church of the subgenius, but then I decided oh fnord.
Really though, their proganda is nearly honest -
Now that is a pitch.
Praise Bob!
i just gotta post some really really good stuff!
lots of other folks do too, of course...but your kind of "o gosh look at the 543 scriptures and 25 links i have" posts just blow me away!
lol i wish i'd won the lottery and had time to really look at just 10% of what you post.
Agreed, Leolaia - your posts are awesome!
cause you guys make me feel normal!
that, to me, is the biggest advantage of this board.. i'm feeling silly today, don't mind me.
Yes it is me.
It must be the italian blood and repressed youth we share
or maybe you just need your eyes checked
I still need to lose another 10 or 15 lbs.
cause you guys make me feel normal!
that, to me, is the biggest advantage of this board.. i'm feeling silly today, don't mind me.
When is the date for the official Togo Apostate Lovefest Orgy?
my two son's ages 20 and 25 are planning a trip to puerto vallarta mexico .i need some advice from anyone who lives there or has vacationed there on what to watch out for .this is their first trip anywhere and they and i are clueless on what to look out for and not be taken advantage of ,and how to stay safe.
any help would be greatly appreciated .
PV is harmless, the most annoying thing there is all the stupid people trying to sell you timeshares. It is one of those places in mexico were the best deals come from the timeshare people, so if they have a few hours to burn and want free breakfest and discounts on everything, they will have to suffer throught the speal.
i just got this thought that we're like a huge soap opera to god and other spiritual beings.
if the almighty makes it all perfect and joyful, then how the heck will he/they get entertained?!.
in other words, the almighty powers that be aren't interested in the least bit in making things happy and perfect for all because we're like a huge spectacle for them to watch for ever and ever.. alright, there goes my sanity for today.. dy
I once had a hallucination that the earth and humanity was a plaything, like an ant farm, for a spoiled and violent child.
gitasatsangha - What is six times nine?
MorpheuzX - yeah I thinking about that too, planet earth was built as reality tv show for the universe, until the earthlings found out about it and the show was going to be cancelled. Great show!
because you'd think these people would notice that jesus christ never said one word about homosexuality.
maher: i do have faith.
i believe there is a god.
Good point bigboi.
we've touched on a lot of similarities between the yhwh and el/baal cults in recent threads, the parallels and connections are very abundant.
i was just rereading a book that discussed another surprising one.
in leolaia's recent thread about holy mountains we learned how the near eastern gods were frequently portrayed as housing on a mountain from which water issued.
Pure speculation, but would't it make sense for a desert people to use something strange and exotic. Something unseen to most people and therefore mysterious, perhaps even mystical and godly. A dolphin skin or seal skin, either is not native to the desert. Also as a desert people water would be precious and holy and perhaps so would an animal of the sea.